Saturday, May 8, 2010

Passion Pit - The Reeling (Calvin Harris Remix)

Here's a track that is too good to pass up!  Passion Pits, 'The Reeling' remixed by none-other-then by Mr. Calvin Harris!  This track is siick!!  I can't stop playing it.  Ever since I heard it again on one of the Coachella Mixtapes I posted on here, I can't seem to get enough.  Enjoy!

Mp3 link below (just click)

Passion Pit - The Reeling (Calvin Harris Remix)


1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel... it was my remix of choice to play this past Christmas season in Aspen- it's not only slick- but pretty heady and (I can DEFINITELY attest to this) the track has the magical ability to rouse folks of ALL AGES and force them to try out their latest moves on the dancefloor (even 60 somethings)... lucky bastards!


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