First, Musiqtrend does not upload any illegal Mp3's. All are given to MusiqTrend to promote the artist. Musiqtrend aquires said Mp3's by PR, Advertising, and Record labels which emails us on a daily basis.
+ Download from file sharing sites. (any web browser/ operating system)
Sites like Zshare,, mediafire, soundcloud etc. are all legit downloading sites. Sure they have tons of advertising but dont let that scare you. All links are safe. Musiqtrend downloads the tracks from these sites before posting to verify quality.
Click link ---> look for "download now"---> wait (usually a 15sec waiting period)---> download
+ Direct download
depending on your web browser
Safari ---> "right click" and "download linked file"
Firefox ---> "right click" and "save link file" ---> window pops up, you can chose to "change file name" or keep "as is" ---> save file (done)
>>>UPDATE: Since January, I've been using Mediafire as the download source. If when you click the "just click" link and it directs you to Mediafire, then don't the download link on that page...don't worry! Its Safe :)
Any issues regarding downloading or broken links feel free to contact Musiqtrend at